It’s been a while since I posted but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking of posts. In fact I have been working on a very large post which draws together a lot of ideas but this is sort of the prelude. Wherever I go I have my journal so I can right down or sketch ideas. I have decided that although I have this connection with landscape and mostly landscape with an absence of humanity within them physically I try to make my work relevant to people. I was sat in a fast food restaurant on my own when I watched the cleaner come and move some chips that had fallen on the floor, and no one noticed it. I’m not going to go on some sweeping monologue about how this is wrong, because that’s actually how society is built. The complex is that the cleaner probably felt some sense of self-worth because she had made a difference which is overlooked and as individuals are ethos seems to be to not connect on that level with others that we might not necessarily know. I partly realized this through my own work also but I do realize this is only an opinion. I find that people who have studied some creative subject seem to observe the world a little differently. The ramble above, of course, is just my observation. But the long post that I have been planning encompasses the topic of observation.
You may be looking, but are you really?