Friday 6 May 2011


There is evidently a conventional sense of art "art".
Whether this be a photo, painting or sculpture these seem to remain the known of art mediums and I realise that so far I have talked about the painting side way too much! There are so many additional types; architecture, advertisement  graphic art, installation, textiles, fashion, screen printing, mono printing, illustration and so on.  

But I wanted to talk about something else; Land Art.

Nancy Holt believes that the world around us is full of so much artistic potential and overlooked by the masses. Her Sun Tunnels in the Nevada Desert are strategically placed to capture and frame the surrounding landscape, in turn forcing the viewer (or explorer) to make the art themselves as they are in controll of the artistic experience. When an artist chooses to portray something in their medium they don't set out to make something antithetically pleasing necessarily; but to embody a comment or statement on something more philosophical or emotional. I love the concept behind these tunnels and I do fee that I'm constantly in art mode when I'm outside; be that city or country. I remember walking with my boyfriend and I started day dreaming about some colours bouncing off of a tree onto a house. He saw me staring and asked.. I doubt he will ask again but the image of his confused face will stay with me for a while hehe.  

I'm not usually annoyed by artistic opinion but when people feel the need to impose regulation onto work then it bugs me. Just like how some people amuse a pretty picture means its a successful one. <rant over>

Nancy's Husband was also a land artist and he created the mysterious Spiral Jetty.

The reason I say mysterious is because it was made at a time of drought and evidently the water rose again concealing it but in recent years it has cropped up once more above the reef. There is a moral debate about this sculpture; many wish to remove it from its current location and place it in exhibition, but I feel that it will then loose the essence of itself. I think the fact that it is subject t nature is romantic in a way. As art develops so will it in its own way so seems to be an eternal canvas for nature.

This morning when i was standing at the bus stop I turned to the bush beside me and there was  already bug. Complimented by the deep green leaves it was sat on, it looked glorious in the morning sunlight. Then I looked to the left and saw another, to then discover that the bush was covered in them. It was brilliant and reminded me that nature has so much to offer us in the universe of art, its fuelled thousands creative thoughts for generations and I believe it does even today have a tremendous impact on our lives. Whether this be through subliminal means or blatant designs. 

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